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The latest powder X-Ray Diffractometer developed by GNR(APD 2000 PRO)


The latest powder X-Ray Diffractometer developed by GNR(APD 2000 PRO) product detail-

APD 2000 PRO diffractometer is an high power – Theta/2Theta – laboratory powder X-Ray Diffractometer equipped with all the most moder technical features which grant accuracy, precision, safety and easiness of use for XRD analysis of polycrystalline materials. 

Thanks to a wide offer of configurations and accessories such as high-speed detector, scintillation counter, high-low temperature and humiduty chamber, secondary monochromator, spinner and multiple sample holder, APD 2000 PRO is a powerful tool for powder diffraction applications such as routinary qualitative and quantitative phase analysis, non-ambient analysis, structure solution and refinement, crystallite size and degree of crystallinity calculation. 

  • High Speed Rate (1000°/min) 
  • High Precision Angle Reproducibility (+/- 0.0001°) 
  • Fast Measurement and Highly Reliable Data 
  • Extremely precise angular values thanks to stepper motors with optical encoders 
  • Easy to handle 

 APD 2000 PRO Key Features

  • Qualiltative and Quantitative Powder X-Ray Diffractometer
  • High Stability X-Ray generator through precision feedback control circuits 
  • Automatic ramp of the high voltage and emission current to preset values 
  • Ceramic X-Ray tubes with high reproducibility and stability of focus position
  • Microfocus tubes and policapillary collimators
  • Possibility of changing automatically from transmission to reflection mode 
  • High precision, high speed goniometer controlled by optical encoders 
  • Traditional, rotating, multi sample and capillary sample holders 
  • Scintillation counters, silicon strip and energy dispersive detectors 
  • Non-ambient analysis, low and high temperature chambers, humidity device